Conservation Framing
“Conservation framing” uses methods and materials that protect and/or preserve the art that is being framed. There are several levels of conservation framing, depending on the item, it’s value, and the degree of protection desired.
Because the TriCities area enjoys a great deal of sun, one of the most important conservation framing basics is to use conservation glass. Conservation glass has a coating which prevents UV rays from fading and damaging the art. Think of it as sunscreen for your art! Even indoor light emits UV rays that are harmful over time. All Things Worth Keeping framing projects include the use of TruVue Conservation glass.
Other important elements in conservation framing are mounting methods, mounting backboards and mats. Each of these elements has a wide variety of options ranging from poor to archival in quality. Poor quality mounting materials and mats are acidic and can cause discoloration and damage of the items being framed. The difference in pricing is small, but the difference after some time may be great. At Things Worth Keeping, high to archival quality materials and methods are used exclusively on framing projects.